How do you overcome today’s short and taxed attention spans? Everyone talks. Few listen. Fewer understand.

Well, if you happen to be in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio on April 9th, I’ve got a sure bet for you! An engaging seminar on “personal branding” given by my friend Becky Okamoto, a former operations executive at Procter & Gamble and proprietor of

Becky will be teaching how to explain what you do and the value you bring in a more concise and compelling way.

We work in an instant gratification, multi-tasking, attention-deficit environment. Some days it feels like we only have 140 characters to connect before our audience moves on. Simple, clear communication is a competitive advantage for every professional. And it starts with being able to express what you can do for your audience.

This is especially true for those of us trying to relay intelligence and strategic insight to key decision makers.

Everyone’s heard of the “elevator speech” but few know how to craft it and deliver it.  In this interactive, hands-on event, Becky will show you.  In a world where we typically get one shot to make that first impression, Becky will give you practical advice and know-how to get noticed and make a big impact.  You won’t want to miss this session!

This is a SCIP SW Ohio event, but you don’t have to register online. You can simply click here and let me know directly. Cost is $15 for SCIP members  and $25 for non-members which includes a boxed lunch.  Schedule is below:

Date: Thursday, April 9, 2015  LOCATION HAS CHANGED!
Battelle Memorial Institute | 505 King Avenue, Columbus | Conference Room A


  • 11:15am-11:30am
    Arrive / Registration / Networking / Boxed Lunch Service
  • 11:30am-1:00 pm
    Program & Hands-on Exercise
  • 1:00pm-1:30pm
    Optional Networking



Rebecca Okamoto
In 6 words, “Committing my voice to those without.” Rebecca is the editor of and principal of Evoke Strategy Group LLC, She has over 20 year’s experience as a supply chain leader and manager at The Procter and Gamble Corporation, most recently as director of Supply Logistics for P&G’s Salon Professional Division in North America and Latin America. Rebecca was P&G’s first Asian American woman at the Associate Director Level in the Product Supply function.

In addition to supply chain expertise, Rebecca is a recognized expert in the field of brand protection including anti-diversion, anti-counterfeiting, and copyright/trademark protection. Since retiring from P&G in 2014, Becky has been helping craft supply chain solutions that help firms make more money!