This fine aphorism was coined by the late French thinker Raymond Aron.

Aron was referring to the political and ideological contest of the Cold War. But it also applies beautifully to the state of business competition.

While destructive competition does break out in the business environment from time to time, smart operators try to avoid it.

Price wars and litigation contests -to suggest two more ruthless competitive tactics- rarely serve to grow an incumbent firm’s market position or allow it to nurture organic innovation. If anything, it may open the way for other firms to gain entry.

The more useful element in this saying is the impossibility of peace … that competition will never sit still. Since good competition isn’t going to roll-over … EVER … smart operators are impatient to lead.

To be first with innovation. To bring new and better marketing. To expand to new markets or into new lines of business. To be quick to invest in organization development and improvement.

These are the attributes of a relentless focus on leading.

And leadership is what is required to “win the peace” … to extend another appropriate social-political cliche’.