
All the state loving dandies are gathering in Paris to solve the “climate crisis”. Luckily, little will come of this. Gaia hasn’t cooperated with their grand schemes. The 20 year warming hiatus continues and may, in fact, be gaining strength.

Further, the Indians and the Chinese aren’t going to let overfed Western technocrats deny them their prosperity.

But what I find so ironic is the incredible strategic mistake made by climate fanatics. While screaming “denier” at us skeptics, they themselves denied the most fundamental science by picking the wrong bogeyman:  carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is simply NOT a real pollutant or meaningful greenhouse agent. Instead, it is essential to life, especially the development and sustaining of biomass. Here is the proper perspective on carbon dioxide…

While dogmatic fanatics aren’t known for seeking knowledge and practicing introspection, the continuing vogueishness for educated people to believe in human caused climate change is starting to be unseemly. The consensus that never was is foundering on facts and evidence.

So, while it might have been fun to be a cool kid when the crisis was new and hip, now the whole thing is a foolish non sequitur:  Illogical and unscientific thinking, misplaced and misguided sympathies, all serving to put only the thinnest veil on the tyrannical intent to concentrate political power and stifle human freedom.

It is way past time to throw it off and concentrate on real problems.