Zero Hedge is a bit of a doomsday site for those of us who know something about economics. Much of their analysis is very insightful. But every so often pessimists grab their tin-foil hats. Sunday, they posted this little gem…

The 10 Corporations That Control Almost Everything You Buy

Cool visual, but STUPID analysis!

(T)hese ten mega corporations control the output of almost everything we buy – from household products to pet food and from jeans to jello.

10 CPG Behemoths

OK, so clearly no jeans in the collection and no clothing generally. No toys or media. Oh, and no gadgets or electronics, let alone appliances. No sporting goods. No tools, hardware or building materials. No jewelry. Limited medical supplies, devices or pharmaceuticals (despite the presence of famous Johnson & Johnson). No wine or spirits. No boats, bikes or cars. And Nestle’ is not a $200 Billion corporation … only half that.

OK, a little math … GDP for the global economy is estimated at $72 Trillion. The revenues of this august collection of consumer goods concerns is almost $700 Billion. So, these Dr. Evil operators might “control” 1% of the global economy. As usual, Dr. Evil doesn’t demand enough money!

Go ahead and Christmas shop with a clear conscience.
